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Main page News room News


09 July 2012
Drilling of Prospecting and Appraisal Well Begins at Sakhalin-3 Veninsky License Block

Drilling of prospecting and appraisal well No.3 has begun at the North-Veninskaya formation in the Veninsky license block, a part of the Sakhalin-3 project.

21 June 2012 10:35
Rosneft Held Regular Meeting of Shareholders

On June 20, a regular Annual General Meeting of Rosneft shareholders took place in Saint-Petersburg. Holders of 97.19% of the Company’s shares took part in the meeting.

21 June 2012
Rosneft President Igor Sechin presents Global Energy award to international prize winners

Rosneft President and Chairman of the Management Board Igor Sechin who is also Executive Secretary of the Commission on Strategic Development of the Energy Sector has presided over a Global Energy international prize award ceremony on behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

15 June 2012
Rosneft presents strategic projects to President Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin, on a tour of Rosneft facilities in Tuapse, today reviewed the Company’s strategic projects.

05 May 2012 17:46
Rosneft and Statoil Agree on Joint Offshore Operations in the Barents Sea and Sea of Okhotsk

Rosneft and Statoil signed a cooperation agreement to jointly explore offshore fields in the Russian sections of the Barents Sea and Sea of Okhotsk. The agreement also covers Rosneft’s participation in the exploration of license blocks in the Norwegian part of the Barents Sea, as well as the possible acquisition by Rosneft of interests in Statoil’s international projects.

02 May 2012 17:41
Rosneft Net Profit Up 55.6% in Q1 2012

On 2 May 2012 Rosneft publishes its consolidated IFRS financial statements for Q1 2012.

28 March 2012
Vankor Oil Output Exceeds Planned Volumes by 218,000 Tonnes

Vankorneft, a Rosneft subsidiary, produced 3.968 million tonnes of oil in the first quarter of this year (as of 27.03.2012), which is 218,000 tonnes (6%) more than targeted in the business plan

27 March 2012
Rosneft Concludes Public Hearings on Seismic Study Programme at Three Blocks in the Western Arctic

Rosneft has concluded a series of public hearings on its 2012 seismic study programme for the East Prinovozemelsky 1 and 2 blocks in the Kara Sea and the Youzhno Russky block in the Pechora Sea. Public hearings began in early February in Arkhangelsk and in the village of Yar-Sale in the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region.

12 March 2012
Rosneft Appoints Vice President for Refining

Igor Pavlov was appointed Rosneft vice president for refining on March 11, 2012.

01 March 2012 17:35
Rosneft is Switching to IFRS Financial Reporting

On March 1, 2012 Rosneft published its full audited consolidated IFRS financial statements for the 12 months of 2011 with comparable data for the 12 months of 2010 and 2009. The Company is switching from US GAAP to IFRS reporting from the first quarter of 2012.