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Main page News room News


05 June 2020 13:43
Russia’s first “green” tanker Vladimir Monomakh is ready for sea trials

Launched at the Zvezda Shipyard on May 12, the first Russian tanker of Aframax type Vladimir Monomakh is ready for sea trials.

01 June 2020 09:46
Rosneft provides over 500 Million Roubles for Development of Children’s Social Projects in 2019

On June 1, Rosneft celebrates World Children’s Day.

21 May 2020 13:21
Rosneft reduces fugitive methane emissions from its Upstream operations by 73% in 2019

Rosneft reduces fugitive methane emissions in its Upstream segment by 73% in 2019.

21 May 2020 13:17
Syzran Refinery Commences Production of Green Marine Fuel

The Syzran Refinery, a part of Rosneft Oil Company’s refining complex, has commenced the production of the environmentally-friendly low-sulphur marine fuel RMLS 40, which is compliant with the IMO requirements effective since the early 2020.

19 May 2020 17:39
Rosneft Aero Introduces Digital Into-Plane Fuel Accounting Technology

Rosneft Aero is adopting digital jet fuel accounting for into-wing refuelling as part of the Rosneft-2022 Strategy.

19 May 2020 16:43
Rosneft Improves Ice Navigation Routes

Specialists of RN-SakhalinNIPImorneft LLC (part of the Rosneft Research and Development Complex) have performed monitoring of the ice situation of the Aniva Bay and the northeast shelf of Sakhalin Island.

14 May 2020 16:10
Rosneft, Together with Yandex, Enhances Contactless Fuel Payment Capacities

Rosneft and Yandex are launching a joint project for remote fuel payment through the Yandex.Fuel mobile service.

13 May 2020 09:22
Rosneft will report its Q1 2020 IFRS financial results on Friday, May 15, 2020.

Q1 2020 IFRS financial results and corresponding MD&A will be available on our website on May 15, 2020 at 10:00.

12 May 2020 16:34
First Russian Aframax Tanker “Vladimir Monomakh” Launched at Zvezda Shipyard

The first Russian Aframax tanker “Vladimir Monomakh” was heaved off at the Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex

08 May 2020 11:41
Environmental Atlas of the Black and Azov Seas Published by Rosneft

Rosneft, together with the Innopraktika non-governmental development institute, has published a unique atlas of the Black and Azov Seas in the series entitled Ecological Atlases of the Seas of Russia.