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Russian President Vladimir Putin Takes Part in Knevichi Refuelling Complex Launch

Russian President Vladimir Putin has attended the launch of the Knevichi refuelling complex at Vladivostok airport. The ceremony was held as part of the APEC 2012 Summit hosted by the region. Rosneft built the alternative refuelling complex – the biggest of its kind in the post-Soviet period – for the APEC summit.

The complex meets the highest international aviation fuel supply standards. World-class equipment and automation systems coupled with a 14,000 cubic metre tank farm and 10 advanced fuel trucks help ensure rapid refuelling of the summit participants’ planes. After the summit the complex will fully cover the airport’s aviation fuel requirements.

Special measures have been undertaken to guarantee the facility’s environmental safety – its advanced wastewater treatment units meet purity requirements for fish breeding reservoirs.

The facility will include a fuel and lubricants laboratory for analysis of fuel quality, which will help increase flight safety. Aviation fuel will be supplied by the Komsomolsk refinery and the Achinsk Petrochemical Company, which are part of Rosneft. Aviation fuel will be provided directly to consumers at Knevichi through into-plane refuelling.

Transparent pricing, fostering a competitive environment and cutting out intermediaries helps keep airfares down, making air travel more affordable for the region’s population.

Notes for editors: RN-Aero is Rosneft’s aviation fuelling subsidiary. Rosneft covers virtually all regions of Russia thanks to the wide geographical spread of its refineries. The company supplies fuel directly to the majority of Russian airlines. Into-plane fuelling is carried out at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport, as well as airports in Mineralnye Vody, Elista, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Blagoveschensk, Igarka and Komsomolsk-on-Amur and at airfields serving the Vankor and Verkhnechonsk fields.

Notes for editors:

RN-Aero is Rosneft’s aviation fuelling subsidiary. Rosneft covers virtually all regions of Russia thanks to the wide geographical spread of its refineries. The company supplies fuel directly to the majority of Russian airlines. Into-plane fuelling is carried out at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport, as well as airports in Mineralnye Vody, Elista, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Blagoveschensk, Igarka and Komsomolsk-on-Amur and at airfields serving the Vankor and Verkhnechonsk fields.

Rosneft Information Division September 6, 2012


Notes for editors:

RN-Aero is Rosneft’s aviation fuelling subsidiary. Rosneft covers virtually all regions of Russia thanks to the wide geographical spread of its refineries. The company supplies fuel directly to the majority of Russian airlines. Into-plane fuelling is carried out at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport, as well as airports in Mineralnye Vody, Elista, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Blagoveschensk, Igarka and Komsomolsk-on-Amur and at airfields serving the Vankor and Verkhnechonsk fields.