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Verkhnechonskneftegaz implemented a technology for rational APG utilization at the North-Danilovskoye field

Verkhnechonskneftegaz, an enterprise of the upstream complex of Rosneft Oil Company, has introduced a technology for rational use of associated petroleum gas (APG) for power generation at the first stage of the North-Danilovskoye field development. For this purpose, a 4 MW mobile power center was commissioned at the field.

The produced gas is separated and treated directly at the cluster pad. The power center is already providing mechanized oil production at cluster pad 1 and the operation of a drilling rig with electricity. Upon completion of the overhead power transmission line, power supply will be provided to other oil production facilities of the field, reservoir pressure maintenance system, and housing settlement.

The mobile power center will be the main source of energy until completion of the 31 MW gas turbine power plant. The processed associated gas will be supplied to it from the preliminary water discharge unit. After the power plant start-up, the field will be fully supplied with APG power.

Note for Editors:

Verkhnechonskneftegaz JSC is developing the Verkhnechonskoye oil and gas condensate field, one of the largest in East Siberia, located in the Katangsky District of Irkutsk Region. The enterprise is operating the license areas of Rosneft Oil Company in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk Regions.

The North-Danilovskoye field is the first field in the new Danilovsky cluster of Rosneft, which also includes South-Danilovskoye, Verkhneicherskoye and Lisovskoye fields. The cluster method of field development will allow to get a synergetic effect due to joint use of transport infrastructure, equipment for all cluster sections and production facilities of Verkhnechonskoye field.

For the first time Rosneft applied the cluster method in the Vankor group in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region. The development of the Erginsky cluster in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra is carried out according to the same principle and is currently being implemented when the Danilovsky cluster was established.

Information Division
October 7, 2020