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Roundtable discussions and visits to process facilities take place in Beijing during the fifth Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) presented to the participants of the fifth Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum (RCEBF) its in-house developments in equipment manufacturing, as well as products and solutions for production processes digitalization.

RCEBF participants got acquainted with the wide range of tools, instruments and various equipment at the headquarters of the Engineering and Technology Research Institute of CNPC Corporation. Further, CNPC's Kunlun Digital Technology Company presented to the RCEBF participants the latest achievements in such areas as intellectualization of petroleum fields, digitalization of processes along the entire production chain, and industrial safety.

The first day of the Forum also included a technical tour of the pilot site of CHN Energy Corporation's Low Carbon Development Research Institute, during which the RCEBF participants were briefed on the developments in clean technologies for coal processing and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). In addition, Chinese scientists demonstrated experimental and pilot plants, which deploy the cutting-edge coal chemistry processes for the production of fuels and new materials.

A number of roundtable discussions were held in Beijing on the second day of the fifth Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum, In particular, the discussion arranged by the People's University of China touched upon the issues of energy security and energy transition.

The discussion hosted by CNPC Corporation focused on pressing issues of digital nuclear power development, using the example of IT products deployment in the implementation of joint Russian-Chinese projects.

China Coal Industry Engineering and Technology Corporation (CCTEG) raised issues to the participants of the "Safe and Efficient Coal Mining Technologies and Intelligent Equipment Sets" roundtable discussion regarding both Russian-Chinese cooperation on coal industry development and new technologies for clean coal utilization, mining and processing.

This year's RCEBF events are attended by about 400 people, including politicians, representatives of more than 100 major Russian and Chinese companies from various industries, scientists, academics, experts and analysts.

The Forum has been held annually since 2018 in accordance with the agreements reached by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping. The event is held under the auspices of the Russian Presidential Commission for Fuel and Energy Complex Development Strategy and Environmental Safety and the National Energy Administration of the People's Republic of China, co-organized by Rosneft and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

Information Division
October 20, 2023