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Rosneft presented its own cellular communications operator at the Russia international exhibition and forum

Sibintek being an internal IT integrator of Rosneft created a corporate cellular communications operator - RN-Svyaz to provide the Company's subdivisions and employees with secure mobile communications with an extended coverage area. The project was presented as part of the IT Days in Rosneft's pavilion at the Russia international exhibition and forum.

Rosneft is the leader of innovative changes in the Russian oil and gas industry. The Company relies on accelerated digitalization of business, industrial Internet technologies, which will fundamentally strengthen control over material flows and eliminate the factor of human errors. Implementation of the project aimed at creating a corporate cellular communications operator is one of the key areas within Rosneft's strategy for digital transformation of production processes.

“Owing to the creation of our own corporate cellular communications operator and introduction of solutions based on Private LTE (pLTE) technology, the Company's remote production assets will be provided with high quality connectivity and secure data transmission,” Jury Popov said - Head of Rosneft's IT Service.

pLTE-based solutions have already been implemented at 20 facilities of the Company. The project was implemented using Russian equipment only and is one of the elements of an ecosystem that includes a network of data centers, a corporate operator, content delivery systems and corporate telecommunications and infrastructure services.

Sibintek is currently building its own communication hubs using domestically manufactured base stations. A similar solution was tested in the harsh conditions of the Far North as part of the flagship project - Vostok Oil. A set of digital services, including such services as a closed wireless cellular data network, video surveillance, PTT (push-to-talk) voice communication system, perimeter control, as well as monitoring of employee health parameters and availability of personal protective equipment, was implemented at the site of the shift camp in Sever Bay.

“Currently, RN-Svyaz has everything required to ensure stable communications for subscribers. In the next few years, it will expand its functionality to a full-MVNO type (operating pattern of a virtual mobile operator, which is actually a physical operator but does not have its own frequency resource) through construction of its own communication hubs and connecting to several federal operators. This solution, in addition to an unprecedented expansion of the service area, will provide exceptional protection from unauthorized access threats and security of mobile subscriber data storage, as well as make it possible to unite any of the Company's communication systems into one. Furthermore, mobile communication will be ensured even in hard-to-reach regions with poor cellular coverage. There is no similar solution available on the Russian market today,” Denis Kriventsev said - Director for Communications and Basic Infrastructure at Sibintek.

Moreover, it is envisaged that existing and future industrial technological solutions, including those developed by Sibintek, can be integrated into the new network. For example, Digital Plant, Digital Field, Unified Corporate Telemetry Platform (UCTP) and Industrial Internet system.


The Russia international exhibition and forum is held pursuant to the decree of Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, from November 4, 2023 to April 12, 2024 on the territory of VDNKh. Rosneft's exposition is located in a pavilion built under a custom design project. The pavilion's digital equipment and interactive exhibits tell visitors about the history of the oil industry and the Company, its prospects, scientific developments and social projects.

You can learn more about the main events taking place at the Rosneft Pavilion and their timing on the Company's official social media pages. Rosneft pavilion schedule is based on the exhibition schedule.

Information Division
December 07, 2023