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Ryazan Oil Refining Company ramps up production of winter diesel fuel using modern technology

Ryazan Oil Refining Company (part of Rosneft's refining complex) ramps up production of winter diesel fuel by introducing a process of catalytic dewaxing of diesel fractions. The technology makes it possible to increase production of winter diesel fuel with the required low-temperature characteristics.

The produced winter diesel fuel meets the requirements of GOST and Technical Regulations and has a margin of the maximum filtration temperature, which ensures good starting and reliable operation of a car engine at sub-zero temperatures. Winter diesel fuel produced by Ryazan Oil Refining Company using modern technology has successfully passed qualification tests at a specialized research institute.

Introduction of advanced technologies and new solutions is one of the key elements of Rosneft's strategy. The Company places a strong focus on improving the operational efficiency of its refineries, defining technological leadership as a key factor of competitiveness in the oil market.

Ryazan Oil Refining Company develops production and improves technological processes. The implemented measures allow the plant to increase the output of target products and produce motor fuels with improved environmental and performance properties: Euro 6 gasoline, high-octane AI-100 gasoline, low-sulfur marine fuel.

Ryazan Oil Refining Company actively introduces knowledge-intensive products originating from Rosneft and other Russian producers. Currently, 14 of the refinery's 15 process units use catalysts produced by Rosneft's specialized subsidiaries -
RN-Kat and Angarsk Catalysts and Organic Synthesis Plant.

For reference:

AO Ryazan Oil Refining Company, a subsidiary of Rosneft, is one of the four largest refineries in Russia in terms of refining throughput and output.

The refinery produces a wide range of high-quality petroleum products: motor gasoline grades, including environmentally friendly Euro 6, diesel fuel, aviation kerosene, road and construction bitumen grades etc.

Information and Advertising Department
4 December 2023