RN-Vankor Employees Plant Nearly 400,000 Trees

Employees of RN-Vankor (operator of Vostok Oil, Rosneft’s largest oil production project), with the participation of the Movement of the Firsts youth volunteer organisation, held a conifer planting event. The event took place in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, where almost 400 thousand pine and Siberian spruce trees were planted on an area of 200 hectares. Last year, RN-Vankor employees planted 24,000 conifer seedlings.
The enterprise selected conifers for reforestation because of their high survival rate in the northern climate. Young spruce and pine trees protect the soil from erosion, prevent the destruction of the fertile layer and shorten the period of natural forest regeneration after natural events such as fire or waterlogging from snowmelt.
Seedlings of coniferous trees were planted on the territory of the Tarutinskoye forestry area, Achinsk district, Krasnoyarsk Territory by employees of RN-Vankor, young specialists of the enterprise and volunteers of the Movement of the Firsts. This is not the first environmental initiative in which oil industry workers have involved the younger generation. These events aim to promote respect for nature and develop an environmental culture among young people.
RN-Vankor is implementing a large-scale environment-oriented programme with a budget of more than 9 billion roubles by 2022. In addition to reforestation, the enterprise also replenishes aquatic bioresources – more than 10 million fry of valuable fish species of sturgeon and salmon families – sturgeon, sterlet, whitefish, grayling, nelma – have been released into the Siberian water bodies of the region. In addition, oil workers sent more than 200,000 tonnes of waste paper for recycling, saving around 2,000 trees.
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October 5, 2023