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Rosneft plants over a thousand Siberian cedars in Samara Oblast

Employees of Rosneft’s Samara group of enterprises together with the volunteer youth association ‘The Movement of the First’ took part in the All-Russian environmental action ‘Cedars of Russia’ and planted more than 1 thousand conifer seedlings in Samara, Novokuybyshevsk and Syzran.

Rosneft annually invests significant funds in environmental protection activities, including reforestation activities. Protection and preservation of the environment for future generations is an integral part of the Company’s corporate culture and social policy.

The enterprises of Rosneft’s Samara group annually take part in such initiatives for planting and landscaping of urban areas and natural recreational areas as ‘Springs of the Samara Region’, ‘We Clean the World’, ‘Green Spring’, ‘Water of Russia’, ‘Clean Banks’, and run environmental and sports campaigns in the Samarskaya Luka National Park.

Volunteers of Kuybyshev Oil Refinery planted more than 500 young pine seedlings in the Volzhskoye lesnichestvo of Samara Oblast. Employees of Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company and Novokuybyshevsk Oils and Additives Plant took part in landscaping of parks and squares and planted cedar alleys.

Novokuybyshevsk Refinery's eco-volunteers, together with the enterprise's veterans and students of Rosneft Classes, landscaped the territory of the city school and planted Siberian cedars on the territory of pre-school institutions and children's health camps. Schoolchildren from ‘The Movement of the First’ took part in the campaign. They also had a natural science lesson during the event.

Syzran Refinery’s employees landscaped the territory of kindergarten No. 57. Oilmen and schoolchildren from ‘The Movement of the First’ told the kids about the benefits of plants for humans and how to take care of them. In addition, the refinery's employees planted cedar and pine seedlings in the adjacent territories in different neighbourhoods of the city.

Oilmen's initiatives contribute to environmental education and fostering a careful attitude to nature, as well as to the development of nature protection culture among the younger generation.


Siberian cedar is a unique plant, a long-living tree that grows up to 800 years and has unique curative properties. It is used for treatment and prevention of respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular diseases. Greening of cities and the development of a responsible attitude to nature conservation in society are the main goals of this environmental initiative.

Information and Advertising Department
April 27, 2024