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Rosneft’s Pavilion at VDNKh celebrates International Climate Day

The Rosneft pavilion at VDNKh hosted events to mark International Climate Day as part of the International Russia Expo. Traditionally celebrated on 15 May, this day is intended to draw the world’s attention to the problem of global warming.

Rosneft shares and actively supports international and national climate change goals. The Company relies on scientific research and modern technological solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

On Wednesday, during presentations and lectures, oilmen told pavilion guests about Rosneft’s achievements in carbon management, work to control methane emissions, and a unique environmental forestation project being implemented in Krasnoyarsk Krai. Visitors were also able to take part in a workshop on calculating personal carbon footprints and thematic quizzes with prizes, as well as see real equipment used to monitor greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, the pavilion’s cinema screened documentaries prepared in cooperation with scientists from Moscow State University: ‘The Century of the White Sea’, which tells about the repetition of the century-old ‘Deryugin Shooting’; ‘Guardians of the North’ – about Rosneft’s complex expedition to study walruses and polar bears near the Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya archipelagos; and ‘Zemlya Archipelago’ – about the summer expedition to the islands of the Arctic seas.

One of Rosneft’s key strategic goals is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The Company aims to remain a reliable producer while minimizing its impact on the climate and the environment. The strategic goals are planned to be achieved through measures to reduce emissions, low-carbon power generation, development of energy-saving technologies, carbon capture and storage technologies, use of natural absorption potential and others.

Rosneft is prioritizing the reduction of methane emissions, a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential 25 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. Since 2020, the Company has been implementing a program to identify and eliminate methane leaks, using special technology to detect sources of emissions of this greenhouse gas. The program includes a range of aerial and ground surveillance activities for production facilities.

At the beginning of the year, Rosneft completed the preparatory stage of environmental forestation project in Krasnoyarsk Krai. The expected effect of the project is to increase greenhouse gas absorption of 10 million tons of CO2 equivalent over the life of the project. The integrated environmental forestation project will be an important part of the Сompany’s forest regeneration and biodiversity conservation activities. Over 26 million seedlings and saplings have been planted as a result of reforestation activities undertaken by the Company’s enterprises over the past three years.

The Company also focuses on educating employees on climate issues and how to reduce the carbon footprint. In 2023, more than 83,000 people have been trained in carbon management course. In addition, over the last two years, 150 specialists of the Company have been trained in a special training program for environmental forestation personnel, developed by Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University and adapted for the Company.


The international Russia Expo is held at the VDNKh from 4 November 2023 to 8 July 2024 by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Rosneft exposition is located in a pavilion built according to the author’s design project. The pavilion’s digital hardware and interactive exhibits tell visitors about the history of the oil industry and the Company, its prospects, scientific developments and social projects.

Information about the main events in the Company’s pavilion and their schedule can be found on Rosneft’s official pages in social networks. Work schedule of the Company’s pavilion – according to the exhibition schedule.

Information and Advertising Department
May 15, 2024