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Rosneft supports scientific research of red-listed birds in Samara Oblast

Samaraneftegaz, Novokuybyshevsk Refinery, Kuybyshev Oil Refinery, Syzran Refinery, Novokuybyshevsk Petrochemical Company and Novokuybyshevsk Oils and Additives Plant – Rosneft’s enterprises operating in Samara Oblast summarized the results of the first stage of a grant project to study the largest and rarest bird in the region – the white-tailed eagle.

Preservation of the environment for future generations is an integral part of Rosneft’s corporate culture. The Company is implementing comprehensive programs to preserve and restore natural resources. Rosneft organizes research and cares for many species of rare animals in Russia. These include polar bear, Atlantic walrus, white gull, geese and red deer of Evenkia, wild reindeer.

In Samara Oblast, the list of protected species includes the white-tailed eagle, the largest bird of prey in the region, which is listed in the Red Data Books of the region, Russia and the International Red Data Book. As part of the grant, scientists from Samarskaya Luka National Park carried out a series of activities aimed at studying the habitats and increasing the population of the rare bird. Special remote monitoring equipment was used to identify nesting areas, record nest locations and key demographic indicators – the number of eggs in the clutch and the number of chicks hatched.

The total number of white-tailed eagles in the region does not exceed 200 individuals. Ornithologists surveyed more than 180 km2 of territory of Samarskaya Luka and marked more than 15 nesting sites. Four pairs of rare birds have been captured on video surveillance. This allows us to predict population growth in the park.

The unique photo and video archive collected during the project is used for conservation and environmental education purposes. For example, ecologists used the collected material to give open environmental lessons to schoolchildren in Samara Oblast.

Supported by oil enterprises, Novokuybyshevsk also hosted the Ecolife Festival, a traditional family celebration aimed at educating the city’s residents about the environment and fostering a caring attitude towards nature. The festival’s program includes educational sessions for children and young people on recycling and creating art objects from them.

In addition, Rosneft volunteers, together with young activists from ‘The Movement of the First’, organized an environmental race at Samarskaya Luka National Park and helped clean up household waste from a picturesque tourist trail at the foot of the Zhiguli Hills.


Covering an area of 130,000 hectares, Samarskaya Luka National Park is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia, a specially protected natural area of federal importance. It is a biosphere reserve – a centre for the conservation of the region’s landscape and biodiversity.

Rosneft supported the opening in Samarskaya Luka of the LukAmorye ecological and educational complex in Zhigulevsk, a visitor centre in the village of Sosnovy Solonets and the construction of an aviary for injured birds that have lost the ability to survive in the wild. As part of the ECOtropa63 project, a mobile application for virtual travel around Samarskaya Luka was developed and launched.

Information and Advertising Department
May 24, 2024