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Rosneft supported the opening of a genetic diagnostics laboratory at a school in Tyumen

With the support of RN-Uvatneftegaz (part of Rosneft’s oil production complex), a laboratory for biotechnology and genodiagnostics has been established at the Tyumen Physics and Mathematics School. Konstantin Severinov, Head of the Centre for Whole Genome Sequencing, Doctor of Biological Sciences, attended the opening ceremony.

Modern high-tech equipment, including a DNA amplifier, electrophoresis chambers, thermoshakers for genome transformation, etc., has been specially purchased to equip the laboratory.

Classes in the laboratory will be conducted by school teachers with specialised education and scientific degrees of candidates and doctors of biological sciences. This summer the Physics and Mathematics School will organize project shifts with the use of the laboratory of biotechnology and genodiagnostics on the topics ‘Genetics and plant breeding’ and ‘Methods of genetic engineering’, which will be attended by about 60 pupils of 9-11 classes from schools in Tyumen Oblast. In addition, more than 12 training camps and intensive modules will be held by the end of the current year to prepare some 500 talented students from the region for high-level Olympics and tournaments in Russia.

At the inauguration of the laboratory, the famous molecular biologist Konstantin Severinov gave a popular science lecture on molecular genetics especially for the students and teachers of the Physics and Mathematics School, and then answered questions about the prospects of the development of Russian science in the field of bioengineering.

During the events, the winners and laureates of the All-Russian Olympiads in biology presented their scientific research projects and demonstrated elements of practical work on the new equipment.

The Physics and Mathematics School was opened in Tyumen in 2015 for in-depth study of mathematics, physics and geometry. The school has around 400 students from all over the region who have passed an entrance exam and uses advanced educational technology.

The school has set up modern laboratories where children can master applied fields such as bioengineering, bioinformatics and others. The field of biotechnology and genodiagnostics is actively developing, including several research projects currently being carried out by the school’s students.

Rosneft, within the framework of its technological partnership with the Russian Government under the Genetic Technology Development Program, is supporting the implementation of the unique Russian project «100,000+Me» by the Centre for Whole Genome Sequencing. The initiative aims to sequence the genomes of 100,000 Russians in order to develop diagnostics for genetically determined and socially significant diseases, as well as new approaches to their treatment and the development of appropriate drugs.


RN-Uvatneftegaz, a subsidiary of Rosneft, is engaged in the exploration and development of a group of fields located in the Uvat District of Tyumen Oblast and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra.

The Uvat project includes 19 license areas with a total area of more than 25,000 km2. RN-Uvatneftegaz is systematically working to increase its resource base.

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May 27, 2024