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Rosneft volunteers plant almost 40,000 tree seedlings as part of the campaign ‘Garden of Memory’

Employees of Rosneft’s major oil and gas production and refining enterprises, scientific institutes and network of filling stations took part in the international campaign ‘Garden of Memory’ and planted almost 40,000 tree seedlings in various cities across the country.

Preserving the environment for future generations is an integral part of Rosneft’s corporate culture. The Company and its subsidiaries participate in various environmental volunteer initiatives.

As part of the campaign ‘Garden of Memory’, the Company’s employees planted trees in Ufa, Orenburg, Samara, Novokuybyshevsk, Syzran, Saratov, Irkutsk, Angarsk, Tomsk, the Udmurt Republic, Leningrad and Moscow Oblasts.

In particular, more than 80 employees from Rosneft’s Central Office and subsidiaries in Moscow and Moscow Oblast took part in planting trees in the Otradinskoye forestry. Volunteers planted 9.8 thousand pine seedlings in the forest area affected by a fire more than two years ago.

Sibintek employees planted 7,000 trees. The campaign was held in the regions of operations – Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Samara Oblast, Ryazan, Lipetsk and Achinsk.

Activists of Bashneft-Polyus took part in an environmental and patriotic action together with their families. Clean-up events at the Ufa Limonarium have already become a tradition. This year, volunteers pruned bushes and collected rubbish, planted Manchurian walnut seedlings, spirea bushes and a new crop for the training and experimental farm – sunberry, a perennial known for its useful berries.

Employees of Udmurtneft and Orenburgneft planted trees with schoolchildren from ‘The Movement of the First’: 4,000 spruce seedlings on an area of 1 hectare in the Votkinsky District of Udmurtia, 79 birch seedlings in the Sorochinsky District of Orenburg Oblast. The trees will improve the quality of the air and remind future generations of the immortal deeds of their ancestors.

Samaraneftegaz volunteers planted 6,000 pine seedlings on the territory of the Fedorovskoye forestry in Samara Oblast. This year, more than 58 thousand tree and shrub seedlings will be planted in the region on an area of 30 hectares.

Employees of the Novokuybyshevsk Oils and Additives Plant held several patriotic activities. Birch, rowan, maple and ash trees were planted in one of Samara’s public gardens. In the villages of Gorki and Mayak, near the memorials to the villagers who died in the Great Patriotic War, the factory workers and students of school no. 12 planted 150 conifer seedlings.

Activists from Kuybyshevsky Oil Refinery also joined the campaign ‘Garden of Memory’ and planted 1,000 pine seedlings in the Stavropol foresrty in Samara Oblast. Over the past two years, ecologists and volunteers from Kuybyshevsky Oil Refinery have planted more than 1,500 young oak trees in the Volzhsky forestry and 5,000 pine trees in the Krasnoarmeyskoye and Krasnoyarskoye forestries.

Volunteers from the Saratov Oil Refinery planted 200 spruce, pine, lime and birch seedlings in the city’s public gardens. Employees of Syzran Refinery planted 80 limes. Teachers and cadets from the Syzran Higher Military Aviation School supported the initiative. Trees were planted in the alley of the School, as well as on the territory of two educational institutions of the city.

Verkhnechonskneftegaz took part in the international campaign for the first time. Volunteers planted 3.5 thousand Siberian pine seedlings in the Irkutsk forestry. The enterprise organized a cultural program for more than 500 participants of the event as a regional partner of the campaign ‘Garden of Memory’.

Employees of the Angarsk Polymer Plant planted 79 maple seedlings in the city’s Pioneer Square – according to the number of years since Victory Day. More than 100 employees and their families took part in the planting. The children were engaged in a quest game and a workshop on making florariums. Over two years, about 130 seedlings of rowan and spirea were planted in the Angarsk 10th Anniversary Park, and 300 lilac seedlings were planted on Lenin Street near the iconic stele ‘City Born of Victory’.

RN-Shelf-Arctic and RN-Exploration staff, together with volunteers from other organisations, took part in the campaign at various locations in Moscow, Moscow and Tula Oblasts. Many people came with their children to plant their first trees. More than 3.5 thousand spruce seedlings were planted in the Dmitrovskoye forestry near the village of Yeremino. 1,140 two-year-old pine trees were planted in the Kubinskoye forestry in Moscow Oblast. 60 young oak trees were planted on the outskirts of the village of Zaoksky in Tula Oblast.

TomskNIPIneft volunteers planted almost 300 pine seedlings near the Golovino airfield. Employees of the RN-North-West planted around 1,000 pine trees in the Garden of Memory near Gatchina in Leningrad Oblast. During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles took place in these places. RN-North-West volunteers regularly clean up mass graves. This spring they worked at the Kronstadt cemetery and at the burial site of employees of the peat enterprise that supplied fuel to besieged Leningrad.

Rosneft and its subsidiaries pay great attention to reforestation activities, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of ecosystems, preserving biodiversity, and combating climate change. More than 26 million trees have been planted over the last three years thanks to the Company’s efforts. The Company’s employees support many federal environmental projects, such as ‘Green Spring’, ‘Water of Russia’, ‘Clean Shores’, ‘We Clean the World’ and others.


The international ecological and patriotic campaign ‘Garden of Memory’ is dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the Great Victory. The campaign is organized to commemorate those who fell during the war. The campaign involves people from all over Russia in solving environmental problems, including the preservation and restoration of lost forests.

Information and Advertising Department
May 28, 2024