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Scientists Continuing to Study the Northern Forest Reindeer in Tyumen Region with the Support of Rosneft

Scientists continue to study the forest reindeer population in Tyumen Region thanks to the support of RN-Uvatneftegaz (an enterprise of Rosneft’s oil production complex). The findings of the research are incorporated into the planning of field development at the Uvat project.

Since 2022, scientists at the Tobolsk complex scientific station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences have been studying a rare species of forest reindeer included in the Red Book of Tyumen Region. New expeditions to the animal’s permanent habitat in the Uvat District have recently taken place.

The scientists conducted aerial photo monitoring using the Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicle. This resulted in the acquisition and analysis of more than 30,000 high-resolution images. Furthermore, camera traps installed on reindeer trails recorded approximately 60 sightings of these species.

The scientists conducted an analysis of the age and gender composition, as well as the lifestyle of the reindeer. They also identified the locations of their aggregations and movement routes. During the snowless period, reindeer lead a solitary family life. However, in winter they gather in herds of up to several dozens. During the warmer months, forest reindeer utilise ridges, which are typically found in marshes in Western Siberia, as birthing sites for their calves. Ridges provide a reliable environment for animals, offering protection from predators and allowing young reindeer calves to flourish in a safe and nurturing setting. The data obtained by the experts has led to the conclusion that there is a localised, stable population of forest reindeer in the Uvat District.

In order to provide animals with the necessary mineral substances, additional feeding blocks have been installed by ecologists in the locations where they are most commonly observed.

Responsible attitude towards the environment is an integral part of Rosneft Oil Company’s corporate culture and one of the key principles of its business. The Company’s subsidiaries implement various programmes to conserve and restore natural resources in the regions where they operate.

The RN-Uvatneftegaz project to study and conserve the forest reindeer is of great importance for the Tyumen Region, as for the last 20 years the region lacked up-to-date information on this red-listed animal. Based on the data obtained, experts will develop measures to the preservation of this species.

Rosneft Information Division
Rosneft Oil Company
June 18, 2024