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Rosneft Sets a Record During Winter Cargo Delivery to the North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

RN-Vankor (part of Rosneft Oil Company's oil-and-gas production complex) completed the winter-spring delivery of cargo to the production facilities of the Vostok Oil project located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Company transported a record volume of cargo - over 830 thousand tonnes of materials and equipment - via the Northern Sea Route and winter motorways. Compared to the previous period, the volume of imported cargoes increased by 32%.

14 dry-cargo carriers and 4 tankers made 55 voyages along the Northern Sea Route from the ports of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk accompanied by three nuclear and four diesel icebreakers.

Metal structures, pipes, road plates, inert materials and fuel and lubricants, construction equipment, cable and wire products and other general cargo were delivered to the Tanalau, Karaul and Vorontsovo production bases.

Unloading was carried out on fast ice on the Yenisei River, including the method of parallel unloading of several vessels, which was successfully tested last year.

An extensive fleet of more than 3,000 heavy-duty trucks and other specialised machinery, which made more than 42,000 deliveries, was used for further delivery of cargoes on winter roads. For the first time, over 2,000 km of winter motorways directly connected
Dudinka with North Bay and the Dickson port.

The delivered material and technical resources are required for the construction of the Vostok Oil project infrastructure of‑ pipelines, oil pumping stations, oil loading terminal and port complex of North Bay, social and living facilities, as well as exploration and production drilling at the fields of the Payakhskoye and Vankor clusters.


RN-Vankor, a Rosneft subsidiary, is the operator of the Vankor and Payakhskoye clusters, which are part of the Vostok Oil project.

Vostok Oil is the largest investment project in the global oil and gas industry, with a resource base of 6,5 billion tonnes of premium low-sulphur oil. It is comprised of 52 license areas located in the north of Krasnoyarsk Territory and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, which accommodate 13 oil and gas fields.

Rosneft Information Division
Rosneft Oil Company
June 18, 2024