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Kuibyshev Refinery Releases Over 27,000 Red-Listed Sterlet Fry into the Volga River

Volunteers from the Kuibyshev refinery, one of Rosneft’s largest enterprises in the Samara region, released more than 27,000 fry of the valuable red-listed sterlet into the waters of the Saratov reservoir.

Responsible attitude towards the environment is an integral part of Rosneft Oil Company’s corporate culture and one of the key principles of its business. The Company’s subsidiaries implement programmes to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems, replenish water resources and increase populations of valuable fish species in the regions where they operate.

At the enterprise’s request, the fry were specially bred in the fish nursery of the Holy Virgin Kazan Monastery on the banks of the Volga River. The fry are released when they weigh 1.5-2 grams and are ready to live in the wild. The transport and release of the fry into the river is supervised by ecologists from the Kuibyshev refinery and specialists from the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fishery.

Volunteers from the Kuibyshev refinery also conducted an environmental lesson for schoolchildren from Rosneft classes and young people from the Movement of the Firsts. The children were told about the legendary Russian river Volga and simple actions everyone can take to preserve this great water heritage of our country.

The main purpose of such interactive environmental lessons is to motivate and involve the younger generation in environmental conservation initiatives and to foster a respectful attitude towards nature. Children also showed great interest in Rosneft’s and Kuibyshev refinery’s programmes to protect red-listed animals and restore forests.

The replenishment of bioresources in the region’s main water artery is an important part of the refinery’s extensive environment-oriented activities. Over the past ten years, the Kuibyshev refinery has stocked the Volga river with more than 500,000 fry of commercial and valuable fish species — sterlet, common carp and silver carp.

Rosneft Information Division
Rosneft Oil Company
June 21, 2024