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Rosneft Held a Round of the Scientific and Technical Conference for Young Specialists

More than 1,300 young specialists of the Company — winners and prize-winners of regional scientific and technical conferences from 95 subsidiaries — took part in the XVII Cluster Scientific and Technical Conference. More than 1,000 projects were presented in 66 specialised sections.

Professional competence enhancement of employees is one of the key priorities of the Company’s HR and social policy. Rosneft holds annual scientific and technical conferences as part of the corporate system of personnel professional training and development. The event promotes the involvement of professionals in innovation, as well as identifying and encouraging young people with high potential.

XVII Cluster Scientific and Technical Conference of young professionals was held at the sites of eight Rosneft subsidiaries: Orenburgneft, Udmurtneft, RN-Vankor, Angarsk Petrochemical Company, RN-North-West, Rospan International, TomskNIPIneft, Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center.

Young specialists presented projects in such sections as «Oil and Gas Fields Development», «Ecology, Industrial Safety, Labour Protection», «Industrial Power Engineering, Energy Efficiency», «Well Drilling», «Prospective Development of Shipbuilding Cluster Enterprises», «Labour, Law, Personnel» and others.

The conference presented papers on drilling process optimisation, bottomhole treatment methods, production modernisation, use of thermal energy, development of work safety systems, efficiency improvement, early career guidance in the region’s schools and other topics.

360 jury members — experts from the Company’s Head Office and subsidiaries, assessed the implementation potential of the proposed ideas. More than 440 winners, runners-up and nominees of the conference will take part in the final stage — the Interregional Scientific and Technical Conference (ISTC), which will be held in Moscow this autumn.

Rosneft has already implemented 31 projects in 2023, which were selected based on the results of the 2022 ISTC. Their expected economic benefit will amount to more than 900 million rubles. Another 22 projects are planned to be put into production at the Company’s facilities in 2024-2026.


Scientific and technical conferences are one of the effective forms of work with Rosneft’s young specialists and a tool for assessing their potential. The purpose of the conferences is to develop young specialists’ professional competences, involvement in innovative activities and solving production tasks. Every year, the best scientific and technical projects of young specialists are recommended for implementation in the production process at the Company’s subsidiaries.

Scientific and technical conferences of Rosneft’s young specialists have been organised since 2006 and are held in three stages:

Stage 1 is Regional Scientific and Technical Conferences (RSTC) held at subsidiaries sites;

Stage 2 is Cluster Scientific and Technical Conferences (CSTC) held in different regions;

Stage 3 is the final Interregional Scientific and Technical Conference (ISTC) held in Moscow.

Rosneft Information Division
Rosneft Oil Company
July 3, 2024