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Main page News room Press releases

Rosneft signed Cooperation Agreement with the Republic of Karelia

Chairman of Rosneft Management Board Igor Sechin and Head of the Republic of Karelia signed additional cooperation agreement at St.Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The document provides for cooperation of the parties regarding implementation of industrial, financial, investment and social programs that will contribute to comprehensive development of the Republic of Karelia. Those programs will also help creating favorable economic, legal and organizational conditions for implementation of the Company’s business activities at the territory of the Republic and are aimed at reaching the balance of mutual interests.

Also as part of signed additional agreement Rosneft will provide the Republic with financial assistance for preservation of the asset of historical and cultural heritage - Blagoveshchensky Cathedral in Kem.

Rosneft Information Division
Tel.: + 7 (499) 517-88-97
June 20, 2015

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