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Main page News room Press releases

Rosneft Acquires PFC Retail Network

Rosneft is acquiring 100% of St. Petersburg’s leading independent fuel operator - Petersburg Fuel Company (PFC). This will open an opportunity for Rosneft to become the leader in the filling station market in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, one of the biggest in the Russian Federation. The deal has been approved in accordance with the corporate procedures of Rosneft Oil Company.

The acquisition of the PFC Group of companies is in line with the Company’s strategy aimed at the retail business development and expansion of corporate presence in key regions of the country.

As a result of the deal for the purchase of the PFC retail network, Rosneft will become the biggest market participant in the North-Western Region.

The PFC retail network is present in St. Petersburg, and the Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod, Pskov, and Tver regions, as well as in Karelia. The network includes 141 filling stations, 125 fuel trucks, and two modern bulk fuel depots: Ruchyi in St. Petersburg and Chudovo in the Novgorod Region.

The acquisition of the new asset will provide Rosneft, which has the largest retail infrastructure in Russia, with an additional synergy effect, and will increase the efficiency of the fuel supply channel.

“The acquisition of the PFC Group of Companies will result in the establishment of a large retail network with a uniform geographical distribution in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Thus, the best conditions are created for the development and synergy of Rosneft’s retail business in the North-Western Region—by attracting large corporate clients, due to the effectiveness of individual-oriented marketing programmes, as well as through increasing profitability of the related businesses,” Avril Conroy, the Vice President for retail business and domestic market development of Rosneft Oil Company, said.

Note for Editors:

Rosneft has the largest retail network in the Russian Federation, with the vastest geographical coverage, and occupies leading positions in most regions of its operation. The retail chain of the Company covers 66 Russian regions, with over 3,000 retail sites operating under the Rosneft brand. The Company’s fuel depot service comprises 138 operating fuel depots with a total capacity of 2.1 million cubic metres, as well as about a thousand fuel trucks.

The PFC retail network in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region is among the top-3 leaders of the fuel market. The filling stations are presented in all districts of St. Petersburg, including the historical and business part of the city, where currently it is almost impossible to build new filling infrastructure facilities. The filling stations in the Pskov, Novgorod, and Tver regions are located primarily on federal highways, which will expand the Company’s highway supply for transit transport.

Information Division
Phone: + 7 (499) 517-88-97
July 31, 2019