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Main page News room Press releases

Company Statement

Due to a large number of publications about investigation activity in the office of Important Stories media Rosneft has a statement:

Our company may not comment on the actions of law enforcement and the course of investigation.

Despite this, the incident was used by dishonest media to denigrate our company. A massive information war has been launched against Rosneft and its management. Among others the participants in this war are foreign interested parties. The objective of this slanderous campaign is to demean performance of Rosneft in view of its central role for the Russian budget and the Russian economy in general as well as the leading position on the global energy market. Such informational attacks are undertaken in order to damage its competitive capacity and create new sanction risks both for Rosneft and Russia.

Our company has taken a number of legal steps to protect its business reputation and shareholder value. Rosneft will keep taking exhaustive legal actions to counter these informational attacks. We are calling on the mass media to refrain from biased opinions and reminding of the legal responsibility for publishing misleading information about our company.

Claims filed with law enforcement agencies by individuals in order to protect their constitutional rights are not subject to the corporate law and do not require commentaries on our part. 

Also, please note that court ruling Nr. 02-5313/2016 made in 2016 is exhaustive and proves the rightfulness of the position of the complainant party.