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Main page News room Press releases

Rosneft and ITMO University Sign a Technological Cooperation Agreement

During the XXVII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Rosneft and the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University) signed an agreement on joint development of knowledge-intensive digital projects.

The document envisages the development of competitive technologies, and joint research studies in the field of infochemistry, digital modeling, chemical informatics*, electrochemistry and robotics for the needs of the oil and gas industry.

The Agreement also provides for involvement of students, postgraduate students, doctoral candidates and the academic staff of ITMO University into Rosneft’s scientific research.

The development of technological potential is one of the key elements of Rosneft's 2030 Strategy. The Company prioritizes innovation activities defining technological leadership as a key factor of competitiveness in the oil market.


Rosneft is a leader in development and implementation of innovative technologies for sustainable development of the oil and gas industry, and is the only Russian oil and gas company that has a line of in-house import-substituting software products.

ITMO University is a recognized educational leader in the area of artificial intelligence and information technologies in Russia.

*- application of IT methods to solve chemical problems

Information and Advertising Department
June 7, 2024

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