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Main page News room Press releases

Rosneft and Saratov Region Sign Cooperation Agreement

Rosneft President and Chairman of the Management Board Igor Sechin and Governor of Saratov Region Valery Radaev have signed a Cooperation Agreement aimed at the implementation of joint energy conservation and energy efficiency campaigns and programs by developing gas-engine fuel in the territory of Saratov Region.

The agreements reached imply the complex implementation of measures aimed at developing the system of supplying the region with gas-engine fuel, including the construction of Rosneft NGV refill stations, installation of CNG units at the existing filling stations and placement of petrol pumps at bus depots. Besides, the Company undertakes to provide uninterrupted gas supplies to Saratov Region. The Agreement also states that creating conditions meant to develop the use of gas-engine fuel by vehicles is new and one of the priorities in the Rosneft’s gas strategy.

Rosneft Information Division
Tel.: +7 (499) 517 88 97 
September 27, 2013

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