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Main page Corporate governance Board of Directors Committees of Board of Directors

Committees of Board of Directors

There are three permanent committees of Rosneft Board of Directors (the Audit Committee, the HR and Remuneration Committee, and the Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee1) established in June 2006 in accordance with the Company’s internal documents.

The Board’s Committees are responsible for preliminary consideration of the most important matters within the Board’s authority and preparation of respective recommendations to the Board of Directors.

The Committees perform in accordance with the approved plans and with tasks set by the Board of Directors for the period of the Committees authority.

The activities of the Company’s BoD Committees in 2023 – 2024 corporate year were positively assessed by Rosneft Board of Directors in the reporting period. In compliance with Regulation of Rosneft Oil Company On Rosneft Board Committees every Committee annually presents to the Board of Directors a report on the implementation of its responsibilities.

The internal documents regulating corporate governance issue and procedures of establishment and operations of the Board of Directors Committees:

1 The Committee was renamed in April 2020.