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Main page News room News


23 July 17:47
Igor Sechin: The West overestimated the impact of its pressure on the powerful potential of the Russian and Chinese economies

Western countries have overestimated the effectiveness of their pressure on the potential of the Russian and Chinese economies; all efforts to curb growth have the opposite effect, said Igor Sechin, Executive Secretary of the Russian Presidential Commission on the Strategy for the Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex and Environmental Safety, Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft

23 July 17:42
Igor Sechin: Cooperation between Russia and China in the energy sector is gaining momentum

Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of oil supplies is unique for Eurasia, said Igor Sechin, Executive Secretary of the Presidential Commission for the Strategy of Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex and Environmental Safety, CEO of Rosneft

23 July 00:30
Rosneft Supports Whale Research

World Whale and Dolphin Day is celebrated annually on 23 July.

22 July
Rosneft Continues Research under the Tamura Biodiversity Conservation Programme

A Rosneft scientific expedition to study the wild reindeer in the western part of Taymyr has left from Norilsk.

19 July 13:51
Rosneft Contributes To Improving Road Safety

Orenburgneft (part of the Rosneft production complex) organized the Best in Profession professional skills competition among employees of transport enterprises in the Orenburg region

18 July 13:46
Rosneft and the Krasnoyarsk Krai Ministry of Education To Create a New System of Personnel Training for the Region’s Oil Industry

Rosneft’s subsidiaries in Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Krai Ministry of Education signed an Agreement on the creation of educational and production clusters «Transport. Logistics» and «Fuel and Energy Complex» in the region as part of the implementation of the Federal Project «Professionalitet»

12 July 13:39
Rosneft and Innopraktika Launch Research Expeditions in the White Sea Waters

The second field season of hydrobiological research organized by Rosneft and Innopraktika, a non-governmental development institute, started in the White Sea

11 July 13:20
Rosneft Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

Rosneft Oil Company’s Board of Directors has approved the 2023 Sustainability Report

10 July 13:12
RN-Vankor Will Deliver a Record Volume of Cargo to Vostok Oil's Facilities During the Summer Navigation Season

RN-Vankor (a subsidiary of Rosneft's oil and gas production complex), started delivery of cargo via the Yenisei River and the Northern Sea Route to production facilities located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region

09 July 13:06
Rosneft Volunteers Planted Cedars on The Shore of Lake Baikal

Volunteers of Angarsk Petrochemical Company (an enterprise of Rosneft Oil Company’s refining complex) planted about 150 cedar seedlings on the coastal territory of Lake Baikal