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Shares (purchase/sell)

Why does the Bank require me to pay a fee for record (storage) of shares of Rosneft?

Banks that provide custody services are commercial organizations which purpose is to make a profit. Each Bank independently determines the source of its profit and, depending on the environment of the market for custody services, determines its own costs, the development strategy and the tariff policy.

What measures has been taken to reduce the rates for custody and registration services for shareholders of Rosneft?

According to the results of the annual General Shareholders Meeting of Rosneft held on June 30, 2007, the Company conducted work with Russian banks providing custody of shares of Rosneft and the registrar of the Company, the specified banks and registrar of Rosneft also conducted work with the Federal Financial Markets Service in order to reduce tariffs for custody and registration services for shareholders of the Company.

The following results were achieved in the course of the conducted work:

  • Sberbank changed the tariffs for custody services for individuals from October 1, 2007. In accordance with the aforementioned changes, individuals are not required to pay the fee for accounting and custody of issuable securities (including shares of Rosneft).
  • Since July 13, 2007, RRDB Bank (JSC) made the tariffs for custody services five times lower, and as of October 1, 2007, eliminated the fee for accounting and custody of shares for individual shareholders.
  • In order to reduce the costs of the Company’s shareholders who wish to transfer the shares from securities depositories of banks to the Rosneft shareholders register, and vice versa - from the Company’s shareholders register to securities depositories of banks, on August 27, 2007 the registrar of Rosneft - Reestr-RN LLC reduced tariffs on the transfer of shares (without title transfer) for the shareholders of Rosneft PJSC, which own blocks of shares with a market value of up to 200,000 rubles, ten times. The mentioned blocks of shares of Rosneft are owned by more than 90 thousand shareholders who acquired the Company’s shares during an IPO.
  • Since February 5, 2008, the registrar of Rosneft — Reestr-RN LLC eliminated the fee for opening personal accounts and making changes to the information provided in personal accounts of registered shareholders-individuals of Rosneft.

In addition, PJSC BANK URALSIB and GPB Bank (JSC) have been providing the services to shareholders of Rosneft on a preferential basis since the beginning of the Company’s IPO: services for accounting and custody of shares of Rosneft in the depositories of these banks are free of charge for the shareholders of the Company.

The registrar of Rosneft — Reestr-RN LLC does not charge shareholders a free for accounting and custody of shares in the register of shareholders of Rosneft, as payment for maintenance of the register of shareholders of the Company by Reestr-RN LLC is provided by Rosneft under the contract for the maintenance of the register of holders of registered securities.

Currently, the services of banks and the registrar of Rosneft for transfer of the Company’s shares from nominal holding to the Company’s shareholder register and vice versa remain paid, which is due to the banks and registrar’s demand for compensation of the costs associated with support of this operation.

How can I change the place of accounting (custody) of shares from the custody account in bank depository to the account in the register of shareholders?

To transfer shares for custody from the depositary of the Bank to the register of shareholders it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • To open an account in the registry of shareholders of Rosneft by referring to specialized registrar in charge of the registry of shareholders of Rosneft.
  • Issue an order for transfer of shares in the bank where you have a custody account for accounting (custody) of shares to the register of shareholders.
  • Pay for services of transfer of shares provided by the bank and the registrar.

Where can I purchase (sell) shares of Rosneft?

Shares of Rosneft can be purchased from their owner. The purchase can be made on the basis of the sale and purchase agreement, executed in accordance with the current legislation, with subsequent re-registration of ownership at the location of the account of the owner of shares (in the depository / in the Registrar).

Rosneft’s shares are currently publicly traded, so they are sold at stock exchanges. To purchase (sell) shares on the stock exchange, you can contact the company that provides brokerage services (for example, a bank).

Why did I, when buying shares of Rosneft during their public offer, not receive them in person?

PJSC NK Rosneft issued ordinary shares, which are registered securities. In accordance with Article 16 of the Federal Law On Securities Market, registered securities are issued in book-entry form. Shareholders of Rosneft are the owners of securities issued in book-entry form.

Which document certifies the ownership of shares of Rosneft?

The ownership of the shares of Rosneft acquired by the shareholder can be certified by:

  • extract from the register of shareholders of the Company, which can be obtained directly from the registrar of Rosneft - Reestr-RN LLC at the following address: 1st Shchipkovsky lane, 20, Moscow, 115093, telephone: +7 (495) 411-79-11, in case that the accounting of shares of Rosneft owned by the shareholder is conducted by the Company’s registrar;
  • extract from the custody account, which can be obtained from the bank depository, in case that the accounting of shares of Rosneft owned by the shareholder is conducted in the bank depository, which acts as a nominal holder of the shareholder’s shares in the share register.