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Main page News room News


21 November 2023 18:46
Rosneft specialists made an important discovery while conducting research on source rocks in Eastern Siberia

This is the first time that Rosneft specialists have diagnosed bacterial and sponge communities (frames) in well sections in Eastern Siberia in Cambrian sediments, the first geological period of the Paleozoic era.

13 November 2023 16:53
Scientists to Study Red Book White-tailed Sea Eagle Population Supported by Rosneft’s Samara Group of Enterprises

Rosneft’s Samara group of enterprises — Samaraneftegaz, Novokuibyshevsk Refinery, Kuibyshev Refinery, Syzran Refinery, Novokuibyshevsk Petrochemical Company, and Novokuibyshevsk Oil and Additives Plant — summed up the results of the first competition of the grant programme for a project to study the nesting sites of the white-tailed eagle in Samara Region.

09 November 2023 15:44
Rosneft Improves Field Development Technologies

Rosneft’s research institutes in Tomsk and Tyumen have designed a concept for intelligent development of gas and gas condensate fields.

08 November 2023 16:49
Scientists Supported by Tyumenneftegaz Conduct Research of Solyonoye Lake in the Tyumen Region

Specialists from Tyumenneftegaz (an enterprise of the Rosneft Oil Company) summarised the results of a grant project to study Lake Solyonoye, a natural monument of regional importance, at a round table with the participation of the scientific community and experts.

07 November 2023 18:18
About 90 thousand people visited the Rosneft pavilion at the Russia International Exhibition and Forum over the weekend

About 90 thousand people visited the Rosneft pavilion at VDNKh over the weekend of 4-6 November as part of the Russia International Exhibition and Forum.

06 November 2023 18:13
Nikita Mikhalkov and Tatiana Navka voice audio guides to the Rosneft pavilion at the Russia Exhibition

Rosneft launched audio guides for children and adults around its pavilion at the Russia Exhibition.

01 November 2023 12:01
Rosneft develops technologies for enhancing wellwork efficiency

Specialists from Rosneft's research institute in Tyumen have upgraded Ariadna corporate software designed to assess wellwork efficiency.

25 October 2023 13:37
Rosneft Scales Up Methane Emission Control Technologies in Refining and Petrochemistry

Rosneft launched a project to adapt technologies to control fugitive emissions of methane and other hydrocarbons and improve industrial safety at production facilities of its refineries.

24 October 2023 13:34
Rosneft Launches Online Lecture Course on Marine Mammals of Russia

Rosneft, together with a non-governmental development institute Innopraktika, developed an online lecture course "Ocean Mysteries. Marine Mammals of Russia".

21 October 2023 15:28
The Fifth Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum comes to an end in Beijing

The fifth Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum attended by around 400 people comes to an end in Beijing